Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree...

For whatever reason, this year we didn't venture down to our enchanted forest to get a tree. It may have been the late snow arrival, the cows, the electric fence, or maybe it was just our way of supporting the local economy and BUYING LOCAL!

Anywhooo, we had a fun time, with a beautiful selection. Trying to get 2 kids to agree on the same tree was the hardest part, although there may have been a dis-agreeable adult in the group too, but I won't name any names, Chance.
oh yeah, I was there too...

Why you don't wait for snow to move cows....

How many trucks does it take to get 8 cows out of a pasture?
He may be uber strong (in his own mind..)
A real power horse is needed to move this load

up, upand away they go!
We'll call this group if Santa gets stuck this year...