Sleeping piglets - how many do you see?
Did you guess three?
A whirlwind trip to Bridport VT on Saturday. We picked up 8 of our 10 piglets for the year. They are adorable. The black with white socks are Berkshires, the spotted ones are Tamworth/Berkshire crosses. They are friendly, altho
Yeah, I love it. I like the set up of your blog! I am glad to hear I inspired you. You will have a lot of fun with it, so will your family. My kids are yelling for me to get my camera. My blog may look complicated but it is not. As far as adding the harvest keeper I went up to customize, layout, add gadget, then choose the one that said list. Really simple. Do not be scared to mess with stuff, blogger is user friendly. If you goof it can be easily adjusted. The piglets are SO cute. I look forward to getting to know you in cyber space and someday in person! ~Kim