Monday, February 28, 2011

The Resurrection of the Two Day Old Bean Soup

A few days ago it was snowy and miserable and one of those days that are really lovely but I'd rather stay inside.  So to make it a productive day, I decided to make bean soup. 
 Normally I use our own dried beans from the garden - but we had been given a "Patriotic 14 bean soup combo" in a ziploc bag (proceeds to benefit veterans).  Wait go back,  I was actually trying to use up leftovers - ham and a hambone, so I was going for split pea, then lentil, then I saw the bag of 14 bean mix.  
So long story longer, I made this yummy soup - beans, garlic, carrots, celery, water, hambone over the woodstove most of the day.  Delicious.  Fast forward 2 days - I can't look at the soup any more.  But 'waste not want not' what to do with leftovers?

Mixed-Bean dip/hummus:
Beans from soup (veggies included) - use a slotted spoon
1 TBSP or two of tahini
splash of lime juice
fresh cilantro

Mix all in cuisinart. Enjoy with tortilla chips and fresh veggies.

Where did the time go?

Welcome to 2011. I considered trying to do a post a day - but I know myself better and I doubt very much there are people out there reading this blog.

So here it is another snow day, tomorrow is the first day of March and plans are underway for the 2011 CSA. We are excited to offer more shares this year, and an expanded variety of veggies.  No beef this year, less stress for working in the garden wondering when Billy the Bull may wander over to say 'hey' and eat my watermelons....  Pork will be done on a limited basis.  Broiler chickens - we're are still trying to decide about, trying to keep our focus on the vegetables and kids and family. 
That's it for now.