As you can see from the new opening photo - the sugar snap peas are blossoming - not much longer before we can enjoy them right off the vine!
Things are moving right along here, we got our shipment of broiler chicks along with an extra 25 Barred Rock pullets which will become our new layers in October. I will post some pictures, but suffice it to say they are all pretty cute at this age.
I just typed you a message and I think I lost...argg. Your pigs are looking nice. We should be having babies soon. Tell Chance we are interested the two things he is selling. I will be in your area Saturday morning/mid day to go Strawberry picking if you guys will be around so I can check out. If you and the kids would like to join us that would be great. We may also go over to the animal kingdom after too. Send me an e-mail or I'll check back here.